Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Zealand Cuisine at its Finest!

Hogget, whitebait, paua and muttonbird! Wow! These were some of the New Zealand delicacies that we were treated to that were prepared by Dean and Kirsten at their home in Invercargill. What a nice surprise for us when we arrived on the first evening to a beautiful feast of hogget with all the trimmings! Hogget is a second year lamb and according to Dean, the most flavourful lamb there is! We agree! Dean and Kirsten went well out of their way the second evening when they treated us to another NZ feast where they barbecued paua, whitebait, muttonbird, sausages, steak and other wonderful delicacies. We were also fortunate to meet 3 other NZ families who joined us at this festive occasion! Amazing food with amazing people! Our next two days were on the road where we continued to eat wonderful foods at great restaurants! Once again, Dean and Kirsten, you have made our time in Southland very special! Thank you!

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